I understand if he is at /trade selling runs except for join using the LFD tool and THEN ask for gold Within the run isn't fair. You pick your role with the help of LFD tool
Um.... it's actually isn't a bannable offence to use the neutral AH to go gold and goods across factions. In fact that's pretty much one and only thing it's used for. Only thing I do you ever saw someone get banned for concerning the neutral AH was they had a real nack to do snatching up items people create for excessivly low prices for what seemed like unreasonable data transfer rates (like. 5 seconds after we've put up
Oh come mon! Don't they have better what direction to go then trying to decline on gold farmers? I mean really cmon.. Its Blizzard's job choose not to FBI's! Still no one enjoys gold farmers: 3Hhaha what a calf! Nearly made my everyday life: P
09.10.2012 um 15:03 (UTC)
Hallo ,
interessante HP.
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
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